State padlocks two stores illegally selling cannabis products in Port Jervis

Port Jervis CBD was shut down (MHNN photo)
Sign on the door of the closed business (MHNN photo)

PORT JERVIS – Two cannabis dispensary stores in Port Jervis were shut down by state authorities on Wednesday, June 26. The closure of the stores followed regulatory inspections of the businesses and products being dispensed from each.  

The inspection was conducted as part of a collaborative enforcement effort between the State Office of Cannabis Management, State Department of Taxation and Finance, and law enforcement officers.   

State Police and Port Jervis Police officers were stationed outside of each store to ensure a peaceful process as is standard protocol for such visits.  

Port Jervis Police Chief William Worden noted that there were no issues at all in conducting the on-site inspections or the closing of the businesses by the enforcement team.  He said this was a civil enforcement of new laws relating to cannabis sales, and that such visits are being conducted all over the state.  

A Port Jervis business was closed by officials for illegal Cannabis sales (MHNN photo)

On-site regulatory inspections are part of new state initiatives relating to cannabis operations in New York State.  Stepped-up efforts to tackle the illicit cannabis marketplace include the power to immediately padlock a business if an inspection reveals the selling of illicit cannabis or an imminent threat to health and safety.

Seals were placed on the doors of Smilies at 23 Front Street and Port Jervis CBD at 78 Front Street #76. Notices posted on the doors state that the businesses have been sealed by order of the Cannabis Control Board, that illicit cannabis has been seized from each, and that pursuant to state cannabis law and regulations the business has been ordered to close and cease the sale of unapproved and unauthorized products.

According to information on a New York State web page relating to cannabis market enforcement, a hearing is an option for business owners following the closure of a business.

An attempt to obtain store owner comments was unsuccessful.  One was unable to be reached, and the other declined comment on the advice of her attorney. 

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