Shrestha fends off primary challenger

Sarahana Shrestha

KINGSTON – Incumbent Sarahana Shrestha won her Democratic primary on Tuesday night in the 103rd Assembly District against challenger Gabi Madden by an unofficial margin of 8,928 to 4,549.

The district is comprised of mainly Ulster County, including Kingston, and a small part of Dutchess County.

Shrestha, 43, a first-term Democratic Socialist, grew up in Nepal and is the state’s first Nepali American Assemblymember. Shrestha moved to the U.S. in 2001 and became naturalized as an American citizen in 2019.

In 2022, Shrestha of Esopus took out Kevin Cahill, who served the 103rd District for more than 20 years, in a Democratic primary. Shrestha will now face Ulster Conservative Party Chairman Jack Hayes, who will also appear on the Republican line in November’s general election.

Madden, a Kingston native, previously worked for Cahill and Senator James Skoufis.

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