Orange County to purchase former school building for high-tech training

Orange County Executive Steve Neuhaus

CHESTER – Orange County is poised to purchase the old high school building in the Village of Chester for $1 with the idea of redeveloping it for vocational training.

County Executive Steven Neuhaus got the idea after touring a similar facility in Rensselaer County.

“They partner up with three major manufacturers – three major companies—General Electric, Global Foundries and I think the third one was Microsoft. They put students in the program. They do about two or three months in the program, their passing their grades. Then they get picked up by one of the three companies and they will pick up the full tab to go to school there,” he said. “It’s a great marriage with their local industry.”

One committee of the Orange County Legislature has approved purchase of the old building and it now goes to the full legislature for approval.

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