Mitts’ primary win sets up three-way race in 42nd Senate District

Tim Mitts won the 42nd Senate District Conservative primary (File photo)

MONROE – Upstart Tim Mitts defeated Dorey Houle in the 42nd Senate District Conservative primary on Tuesday night. According to the Orange County Board of Elections website, Mitts unofficially won by a margin of 426-377.

Mitts, who entered the race in April, has been criticized by Orange County Conservative leadership for changing his party affiliation from Republican to Conservative on February 14th. Houle was the endorsed Conservative and Republican candidate. A significant number of Mitts’ votes in the Conservative primary came from residents in the Town of Palm Tree.

With only absentee and affidavit ballots outstanding, Mitts will now represent the Conservative party in the November election against Houle and Democratic incumbent James Skoufis. Senator Skoufis defeated Houle in the 2022 general election with a margin of approximately one percent.

“I’m very excited that my constituents have seen my efforts and believe in me,” Mitts said. “It is the most I can ask for in anybody that trusts me. Now it is time to take the fight to the general election. It is time to turn our state around and make me your next senator for the New York State 42nd District. I will not let my constituents down and I will fight the fight. I will walk the walk. I will talk the talk.”

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