First pool of West Nile virus detected in Rockland County


NEW CITY – The first pool, or group, of mosquitoes testing positive for West Nile virus has been discovered in Rockland County. It was confirmed by the State Health Department.

The infected mosquitoes were collected from a trap in the Town of Orangetown during the week of June 10 and submitted for testing on June 17 as part of the county’s ongoing mosquito surveillance efforts.

So far this year, 33 pools have been submitted for testing.

No human cases have been reported this season, and the last reported human case in Rockland was in 2023.

“This time of year is when we see a rise in West Nile virus activity, and this positive mosquito pool confirms that,” said Amy Isenberg, environmental health specialist, mosquito program coordinator.

Most mosquitoes do not test positive for disease-causing viruses. However, a bit from a West Nile virus-infected mosquito can cause severe illness and, in some cases, death.

The best mosquito control begins in private yards by eliminating standing water, drill holes in the bottoms of recycling containers and remove all discarded tires, and if you have a swimming pool or spa not in use, drain it.

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