International air show returning in August

World War II B -25 bomber

MONTGOMERY – Fighter jets will be flying in the skies over the Mid-Hudson Valley on the weekend of August 10 and 11 as the New York International Air Show will once again be held at the Orange County Airport in Montgomery.

Orange County Executive Steven Neuhaus said in addition to the standard attractions and performances, there will be more local participation this year.

“We have a very great relationship with West Point. We also have a great relationship with the 105th (Air National Guard at Stewart Airport), and I think you are going to see them more active in front and center than before. And then, of course, we have the US Air Force Thunderbirds who will be headlining it along with the Italian Air Force,” he said.

The Air Force Thunderbirds and the Navy Blue Angels have been alternating years at the air show.

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