Letter to the Editor: Support Claire Cousin

Mid-Hudson News accepts Letters to the Editor


As a union member, I’m supporting Claire Cousin in the Democratic primary for Assembly District 106. Claire is a tenant, working class mom, and county legislator who is running on a pro-worker platform that includes the Raise the Wage Act which would raise the minimum wage to $21.25 statewide by 2026. Claire also supports the SWEAT Act to help workers fight wage theft, Fair Pay for Home Care to alleviate the home care worker shortage, and amending the New York State Constitution to guarantee the right to strike for all workers. Her opponent does not cosponsor any of these bills and, in addition to accepting tens of thousands of dollars from corporate donors, has been backed by the conservative Business Council of New York State. The Business Council consistently opposes raising the minimum wage and expanding worker rights. In contrast, Claire is endorsed by Teamsters Local 294 and IATSE Local 311. Claire Cousin is the candidate for working class people who will fight for us in Albany and join us on the picket lines. We can early vote for her until June 23 or on Election Day Tuesday, June 25. Let’s get out the vote for Claire!

Daniel Atonna
Poughkeepsie, NY

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