Demonstrators clash in Carmel over Middle East unrest

Demonstrators protested in Carmel Saturday

CARMEL- A peaceful demonstration spearheaded by a group called Putnam for Palestine organized by college and high school students protesting widespread genocide in the Middle East was overshadowed Saturday on the steps of the historical Putnam Courthouse in Carmel when some three dozen residents, many carrying Israeli flags, charged the protestors were anti-Semitic.

Abby Lyons, speaking on behalf of the Putnam for Palestine group, explained her group demanded an immediate cease fire in Palestine: “We want our local legislators to pressure the federal government demanding an immediate cease fire so that the senseless killing of innocent men, women and children stops.”

Supporters of Israel disagreed. A woman carrying an Israeli flag who identified herself as ‘Michelle from Putnam County’ explained: “These people are racist and brainwashed. As soon as Hamas releases the hostages and puts down their guns, the war will end. Remember Hamas started this war not Israel.”

Richard Allen, another Putnam resident, charged those supporting Palestine were a “bunch of people bolstering the rape of women and supporting the terrorists. They forget that over 1,200 people were slaughtered on October 7. Yet they ask for free Palestine and free Gaza. Gaza has been freed since 2005. These protestors are demonizing the Jews and are absolutely anti-Semitic.”

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