CerebrumIQ Reviews The Smartest US State


If you think about which US state has the highest IQ per capita, what comes to mind? Maybe California, because of Silicon Valley? New York, thanks to Wall Street? Perhaps DC, with all of its political strength? 


The answer is none of the above. The smartest US state is actually Massacheussets, and we will explain in this article why this is the case. 

Center of learning

If you’ve ever been to Boston, you may be surprised at just how little you hear of the stereotypical New England accent. People everywhere like to poke fun at the whole “pahking your cah in the yahd” thing. Well, there is a reason for this.

Boston is home to not just a few but actually 63 colleges and universities. This is more than any other city in the entire world. And considering that US higher education institutions are the most highly ranked on the planet, this may well make Boston the smartest city on earth.

And colleges aren’t just plentiful in BeanTown, they are the best at what they offer. Of course, when one thinks of Boston, the first thing that comes to mind is Harvard. For centuries, Harvard has maintained its name as arguably the most prestigious higher education institution in the world for good reason. The university has an acceptance rate of just over 3%, which is among the lowest everywhere. It is a world leader in research in numerous subject areas, and many of the world’s most famous academics have come from there. 

There is also the world-renowned Massachusetts Institute of Technology. MIT has produced some of the world’s finest engineers and other technical specialists for many years, and a degree from there is universally considered golden.

And it goes far beyond these big names. Boston is full of conservatories, theater academies, and other specialty institutions of various sorts. So it is indeed an intellectual giant all the way around.

More than just higher learning

And the state’s prowess goes far beyond the university level. Massachusetts is home to more of the country’s top boarding schools than any other state in the union. A degree from one of these prestigious academies all but guarantees admission into a top-level college. Arguably the most famous among them is Phillips Academy Andover. The academy has produced leading academics, musicians, and even royalty as leading families from other countries have sent their kids there for a top-notch education.

Beyond Andover, there are several other top-level boarding schools, such as the Groton School, Philips Exeter Academy, and others. These schools don’t come cheap: with room and board included, the average yearly cost in 2024 is almost $80,000 per year. So aside from a lucky few that manage to get scholarships, parents have to be willing to shell out big money to send their kids to these places.

It often ends up being worth it though. If high school students can make it through the rigorous programs at these schools, they are likely to gain places at top universities and later jobs at leading companies.

How can IQ be measured? Can it be changed?

The perennial question about IQ is whether or not it can be altered. The answer is a distinct yes. A groundbreaking new technology has recently been created to measure IQ levels across national boundaries, socioeconomic levels, and even languages. It is called Cerebrum IQ, and it is quickly making waves across the globe.

The genius of Cerebrum IQ lies in its pictorial displays of cognitive challenges. Questions on its IQ test online are free of language or cultural information, so anyone in the world can take it. And, if you’re not satisfied with your results, you can work on the areas in which you were weaker and improve your score in subsequent efforts. Test creators have come up with fun exercises and games that help you hone specific cognitive areas. If you work at it, you will see your score going up with time.

Remember, IQ is flexible

Not all of us went to Harvard or MIT. However, we can all make an accurate assessment of our cognitive abilities and work on them to make them stronger. This is what becoming a more qualified person is really all about. And who knows? If you go far enough, you might just find yourself outpacing your Harvard competitor for that prestigious job you’ve had your eye on. And you won’t have spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on your education. 

Cerebrum IQ has the answer. It might take some time to really work on the exercises the program gives you and figure out how to master them, but when you do you will find yourself thinking in a whole new way. Check it out today. You’ll be glad you did.

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