Orange County woman celebrates 100th birthday with class (GALLERY)

Elly Garry blows out the candles on her birthday cake

MIDDLETOWN – Eleanor Garry of the Town of Wallkill celebrated her 100
th birthday with family and friends on Saturday.

The big milestone was just a few days before and the spunky centenarian was enjoying her party.

“I’m pretty good considering I am 100 years and three days. I‘m good,”  she said. “I’m alive and it’s a wonderful thing and I’m talking with you. It’s the greatest thing.”

Elly still lives in her home with her grandson, Mike, her caregiver. And she gets along on her own power as much as possible.

“I walk in the house, but I have this silver thing in my hand I push ahead of me, but sometimes I get annoyed, I want to get there in a hurry, so I pick the thing up and go on my own,” she said.

Within the last several months, Elly made it to two granddaughters’ weddings, once after suffering a broken hip.

And to top off her birthday celebration, she received a congratulatory letter from President Joe Biden and First Lady Dr. Jill Biden.

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