Newburgh Schools give tax break to first responders


NEWBURGH- In an effort to assist with the recruitment and retention of volunteer first responders, earlier this year the Newburgh School District Board of Education unanimously passed a resolution that would provide eligible volunteer firefighters and volunteer ambulance workers a partial school tax exemption.

Speaking to the work of first responders in the community, Board of Education President John Doerre said, “We are very proud of you, and very proud to do this.”

The measure provides volunteer firefighters and volunteer ambulance workers who have at least two years of service a 10 percent exemption of the assessed value of their residence from school taxes.  It takes effect on January 1, 2025.

Tom Dubetsky, a Commissioner form the Middlehope Fire District and volunteer firefighter since 1978 thanked the board for its support of the exemption back when it was formally adopted.

“Your support for this tax exemption is a tangible benefit that our younger residents can use as something that will provide immediate help to themselves and their families,” said Debesky.

The partial exemption comes after nine years of no tax levy increases to district residents.  In May, the district’s budget was defeated by a small margin.  This Tuesday, district residents will return to the polls to consider a reduced budget proposal that maintains class size and stays off program cuts but includes reductions in the area of conferences and travel.

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