Rhinebeck Bank welcomes Gary Garzetta art exhibit to Rhinebeck branch

Artwork by Gary Garzetta

RHINEBECK- Gary Garzetta will exhibit his artwork at Rhinebeck Bank’s Rhinebeck branch, located at 6414 Montgomery Street in Rhinebeck, between Friday, June 21st and Friday, August 2nd. Everyone is encouraged to visit the branch during regular business hours to enjoy this outstanding art exhibit.

A Hyde Park resident and self-taught artist that uses oil as his preferred medium, Garzetta enjoys capturing the beauty of the outdoors in his work. “One of the true joys of painting is to attempt to duplicate nature’s wonderful palette of colors, which have inspired my work for many years,” he said. Flowers are his favorite subject as they are unique in both shape and color. He has also expanded into seascapes and abstract paintings as well. A painter for 25 years, Garzetta’s artistic influences include Bob Ross and William Alexander.

For more information aboute his artwork, please visit his website at www.gsgarzetta.artspan.com.

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