Letter to the Editor: Claire Cousin is the climate candidate

Mid-Hudson News accepts Letters to the Editor


When I became Didi Barrett’s constituent, I was thrilled to finally have a Democrat represent me in the NY State Assembly. One of the issues I care about most, and where there are clear distinctions between parties, is climate change. I am pleased that my State Senator is among the co-sponsors of an important climate bill, the NY HEAT Act. So I was surprised when Assemblymember Barrett vehemently pushed back against the HEAT Act during a meeting with me and fellow constituents.

As Chair of the Energy Committee, Barrett has great power to move climate legislation forward. Unfortunately, Assemblywoman Barrett has maintained her steadfast opposition to the HEAT Act. I am incredibly disappointed to see that she is using her power as an experienced leader to obstruct rather than advance NY State on this critical issue.

Luckily, voters can do something about it:  we can elect Barrett’s opponent, Claire Cousin, in the Democratic primary. Cousin, a county legislator and housing activist, lists climate as one of her top priorities. She has vowed to support the HEAT Act along with several other climate bills. And she is not taking a cent of corporate PAC money.

If we are going to have any hope of combatting the climate crisis, we must take action as soon as possible. That means going to the polls on June 25th and electing an Assembly member who will actually fight for our planet. I hope you will join me in supporting Claire Cousin for NY State Assembly.

Jessica Brown
Hillsdale, NY

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