Poll puts Latimer ahead of Bowman in congressional Democratic primary

Westchester County Executive and Candidate for Congress George Latimer
Congressman Jamaal Bowman

WESTCHESTER- A new Emerson College poll found that in the 16th Congressional District, 48 percent of likely Democratic Primary voters support Westchester County Executive George Latimer, while only 31 percent support incumbent Congressman Jamaal Bowman in what is shaping up to be one of the most closely watched congressional primary races in the country.

Latimer and Bowman are facing off in a primary that will likely determine who will go on to represent the district in Washington D.C.  While there will be a general election in November, the district is seen as being reliably Democratic with President Joe Biden defeating former President Donald Trump in 2020 with more than 70 percent of the total vote.  The winner of the Democratic primary will go on to face former Village of Scarsdale Mayor and Physician Miriam Flisser who is running on the Republican line.

The poll revealed that Bowman led among black voters 48 percent to 34 percent, and Latimer led among white voters, 62 percent to 20 percent.  Hispanic voters were evenly split at 36 percent for each candidate.  Bowman also led among voters under 40 years old, while Latimer led with voters over 40.

The poll also revealed that Democratic primary voters align more with Latimer on Israel-Hamas war, 45 percent to 29 percent.  26 percent of those polled were not sure which candidate they aligned with on the war.

Early voting for primary elections is set to begin on Saturday, June 15th and runs through Sunday, June 23rd.  Primary election say is Tuesday, June 25th.

The poll has a margin of error of +/- 4.7 percent.

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