Zoe Winston named USMA’s first astronaut scholar

West Point Cadet Zoe Winston (photo provided)

WEST POINT – U.S. Military Academy at West Point (USMA) Cadet Zoe Winston has been selected as West Point’s first Astronaut Scholar.

The prestigious Astronaut Scholarship is known nationwide for being among the largest merit-based monetary scholarships awarded to undergraduate STEM juniors and seniors. It assists the United States in retaining its world leadership in technology and innovation by supporting the very best and brightest scholars in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics while commemorating the legacy of America’s pioneering astronauts.

“The Astronaut Scholarship is an invaluable opportunity to make connections with academically driven mentors and peers from around the country,” Winston said. “This honor would not have been possible without the support of my friends, mentors, and family. I’m extremely excited to participate in the mentorship and professional development programs offered by the Foundation and grow as both a leader and a researcher.”

Winston is a junior Mathematical Sciences major from McLean, Virginia. She is the Vice President of Phi Kappa Phi and a leader in both the Corbin Women’s Leadership Forum and the Math Forum. Winston hopes to pursue a Doctor of Philosophy degree in Biostatistics and serve as an officer in the Adjutant General Corps.

“We’re proud of Zoe’s accomplishments and her tremendous potential,” said West Point Dean of the Academic Board Brig. Gen. Shane Reeves. “We’re also grateful to the Astronaut Scholar Foundation for this impactful partnership and opportunity.”

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