Hundreds cheer survivors at Eastern Putnam Relay for Life

Survivors of cancer take the Survivor’s lap to the cheers of onlookers
Survivors of cancer take the Survivor’s lap to the cheers of onlookers

BREWSTER- Saturday’s merger of the Brewster and Patterson Relays for Life brought out large crowds to the Brewster High School track with survivors, caregivers, volunteers, and participants raising awareness and fundraising to support the American Cancer Society’s mission to find a cure for the disease that has affected every resident in Putnam County.

The extremely emotional Survivor’s Lap was preceded by remarks given be soon-to-be 90 year old cancer survivor Al Lotrecchiano of Carmel, affectionately called the “Mayor of Putnam County.”

Lotrecchiano remembered those lost to cancer while celebrating the survivors and thanking the caregivers “who have helped us through the difficult times.”

Lotrecchiano explained how 20 years ago “after I had my annual physical, my internist arranged for me to see a urologist because my PSA, an indicator for prostate cancer, had risen. After visiting the urologist, a biopsy was scheduled because my PSA had risen even more. A day later, I got the call -and heard those dreaded 3 words – you have cancer.”

Lotrecchiano said he “couldn’t figure out why because I felt fine – no aches no pains, and my plumbing was working just fine – nothing seemed wrong. I don’t smoke, I don’t drink and I’m not on any type of medication. Why me?”

Al Lotrecchiano addressed the gathering

After conducting research, Lotrecchiano discovered that other than skin cancer, prostate cancer is the leading cancer diagnosis among men while breast cancer is the leading diagnosis among women.

Lotrecchiano reminded the audience: “Cancer doesn’t discriminate. It affects young, old and every age in between. I ended up having radical prostate surgery. The results were favorable. No cancer outside the prostate. I was cancer free. It has been the same ever since. This is in part thanks to advances made in detection and treatment made possible because of fundraisers like all of you.”

Lotrecchiano sadly noted: “Cancer has taken too many of my family and friends.  I made a promise to myself to work hard at raising funds for ACS.

And to spread the word that it’s important to be diligent about having an annual physical. Men – be sure to be tested and women be sure to schedule those mammograms.”

The honoree thanked his wife, Dimmy, for her support: “The good lord has blessed me with the best wife in the world and together we are able

to enjoy four generations of family. There’s nothing better. And many of the generations have been a big part of my fundraising efforts. They are better known as Al’s Army of Angels. They have joined me in efforts to make a difference – doing our best to help the American Cancer Society find new ways to find a cure.”

Lotrecchiano concluded his remarks with a message to all cancer survivors: “Hang in there!”


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