Superintendent of schools arrested on corruption charges


WHITE PLAINS – The former superintendent of schools and a former security system specialist of the Greenburgh-Graham Union Free School district have been arrested on corruption charges for allegedly stealing school district funds earmarked for students and spending them on personal and luxury expenses between 2018 and 2022.

Oliver Levy, 55, of Stony Point and Surendra Kumar, 47, of Yonkers, were arrested on Thursday by the Westchester County District Attorney’s Office and charged with grand larceny as a crime of public corruption and corrupting the government.

As alleged, Levy and Kumar schemed where Levy approved Kumar’s purchase of 168 gift cards that were used to spend more than $12,000 for personal expenses, including jewelry, luxury handbags, private school fees for relatives, and veterinary services.

“This alleged act of public corruption by those responsible for the care of students in need betrayed the trust of the entire school district community,” said Westchester District Attorney Miriam Rocah.
State Comptroller Thomas DiNapoli said Levy and Kumar “were entrusted with money meant to enrich the lives of students with disabilities; instead, they allegedly enriched their own lives by spending the money on lavish gifts for themselves.”

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