Local reaction to Trump guilty verdict on all 34 felony counts

Former President Donald Trump

MID-HUDSON – Political figures from both sides of the aisle are weighing in on the verdict delivered by a Manhattan jury that found former President Donald Trump guilty on all 34-counts of falsifying business records.

Republicans across the state are saying Donald Trump could not have gotten a fair trial, while many Democrats are saying the jury got it right.

State Conservative Party Chairman Gerard Kassar, who was in Orange County on Thursday, said “Today’s decision is a travesty of justice.  The entire trial was engineered by a liberal, anti-Trump district attorney, a Democrat justice, and a Manhattan jury.  The verdict comes as no surprise, but it is a shameful mark on our nation’s judicial history.”  Kassar added, “This decision will have no bearing on the upcoming election.  President Trump’s supporters have known since the beginning that this was nothing but a partisan show trial.  Onward to November.”

Orange County Democratic Party Chairman Zak Constantine said the former president should not be allowed to run for the White House.

“I certainly don’t think he should be running for president of the United States, so a New York State felony conviction doesn’t preclude him from doing so, it sends a really strong message as to what the Republican electorate of today is willing to accept in their nominee,” he said.

For himself, Trump said the trial and verdict were corrupt and he would be filing an appeal.

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