Letter to the Editor: Claire Cousin will protect the environment, not pander to polluters

Mid-Hudson News accepts Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor,

I am a labor attorney who cares deeply about working people’s interests and the future of our  planet. In my experience representing unions, including Professional Fire Fighters, I have been  convinced our current Assemblymember, Didi Barrett, does not share the same values or  understand what working people need. That’s why I’m voting for her opponent, Claire Cousin,  in the Democratic primary on June 25th.  

While in office, Barrett has supported subsidies for the gas industry and accepted money from  fossil fuel companies that cause pollution and global warming. This contributes to dangerous  conditions for all of us, especially my clients. New York needs to invest in renewable energy  because we are almost out of time to protect our precious planet. We need to preserve the  environment for our children and grandchildren.  

But that’s not what Barrett has championed. Rather than listen to climate activists pushing for  action, Barrett panders to corporate interests. She does not advocate for the working people of  our district and does not respect or appreciate the interest of first responders like the  Professional Fire Fighters I represent.  

It’s important that we get fresh new voices in the Assembly and have representatives who  know the troubles average New Yorkers are experiencing. Claire Cousin is on the right side of  the issues—the people’s side—not the side of corporations. She refuses to be bought and will  fight for working people and the environment. That’s why Claire has my vote.  

Sincerely yours,  

Richard S. Corenthal
Canaan, NY

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