Remembering our Veterans on Memorial Day

Anthony DeCoro (photo provided)

GOSHEN- Memorial Day has long since been referred to as the first official day of summer, when we pack our bags and head to the beach, start firing up our grills, or travel to our friends or relatives for a weekend of fun and enjoyment.

For the estimated 16.2 million veterans living across our nation, the men and women who bravely served in our nation’s armed forces – the Army, Navy, Air Force, and Marines – this day will always have greater significance beyond the picnics and the fun; it is the day they and their families honor those brave men and women who made the ultimate sacrifice by dying in the field of battle and defending the very liberty and freedoms each and every American cherishes.

At United Hospice, the premier hospice care in Rockland and Orange Counties, we are honored to provide care and compassion to our veterans and their families. We honor their unwavering commitment to defending our democracy, steadfastly protecting our communities, and their willingness to promote peace here and abroad.

Through a unique partnership with We Honor Veterans, a program of the National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization (NHPCO) in collaboration with the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), we have been recognized as a Level Four Hospice Partner, a designation allows us to improve our service delivery to each veteran under United Hospice’s care.

Army Veteran Anthony DeCoro (photo provided)

“Each time we welcome a veteran to United Hospice, we hold a pinning ceremony for the whole family. During the ceremony, we invite a fellow veteran to present a pin and we also present a commemorative flag,” explains Cara Pace, United Hospice CEO. “Hospice staff video tape and take photos during the ceremony so that we can provide a keepsake for the family.”

Above all else, Pace said the ceremony is a wonderful way to welcome veterans and their families into our care.

“These important ceremonies serve as a gentle reminder that our veterans are not alone in their final journey; rather, they are loved and honored for their service to our nation.”

Anthony DeCoro, an Army veteran who served his nation during the Korean Conflict, and his family, experienced firsthand the dignified and loving care he received toward the end of his life. His entire family was on hand for his pinning ceremony. Pace said the ceremony was especially heartwarming since most veterans aren’t presented with a flag until they pass.

“Typically when a veteran passes, a flag would be folded and handed off to the family. So, we feel like it is a beautiful thing for the family,” Pace said. “The veteran should also be able to experience that as well. And I can’t tell you how the response has been from our veterans. One of our veterans said he was speechless when we presented him with the shadowbox with the flag. These are the beautiful moments that we tried to bring to our veterans in honor of their service.”

Beyond the ceremony itself, the DeCoro family was thankful for the care Anthony received during his stay at United Hospice.

Deborah, a family member, explained how grateful Anthony’s family was when they heard about United Hospice and the services we provide.

“Before United Hospice was involved, he got sick and we didn’t know what to do. We didn’t want to go back to the hospital because we didn’t want to put him through that again,” Deborah said. “If anything happens, I could just pick up the phone (to United Hospice) and somebody will be there, a nurse, a therapist, a social worker. If I run out of medicine, we make a phone call and the doorbell rings an hour later and there’s medicine at the door.”

“Anthony DeCoro was absolutely wonderful, and his family is amazing – having them welcome us into their home for the pinning ceremony and presenting the commemorative flag – it felt like we were all family there,” Pace explained.

To learn more about the services we provide for our veterans and their families or to find more information for patients and families who wish to receive hospice care in their own homes, please visit or call 845-634-4974. 

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