Police on the look out for drunk drivers this weekend (VIDEO)

Head-on crash with a school bus caused by alleged drunk driver (file photo)

MONTICELLO- This Memorial Day weekend, law enforcement agencies throughout the state will be focusing enforcement on drunk and impaired drivers.  The state’s ​Stop ​DWI ​High ​Visibility ​Engagement ​Campaign begins on Friday and runs through Memorial Day.  ​The Sullivan County Sheriff’s Office is one of the participating agencies.

​Sullivan County Undersheriff Eric Chaboty has a simple message:  “Don’t drink and drive​.  We want you to have a good time but have a plan to get home.  That’s the key.  If you go somewhere and you’re drinking, make sure you have a ride.”
According to the State Police, more than more than 7,000 alcohol-related traffic crashes take place in the state each year. In 2022 alone, 335 deaths were a result of drunk driving.
Many bars and restaurants offer safe ride programs, and the state has a free app that can be downloaded called “Have Plan.”  The app allows users to locate and call a taxi service, program a designated-driver list, and contains information on Blood Alcohol Content levels.
“Don’t risk it,” said Chaboty.  “It’s it’s not worth your life​ or somebody else’s life or getting arrested.  A typical arrest with all the lawyer fees and everything could run your ​$10,000.”

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