Second Annual Pollinator Music Festival

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WARWICK- On Sunday, June 9th from 12 p.m. to 5 p.m., the Hudson Valley Pollinator Project and Warwick Valley Winery and Distillery are proud to present the 2nd Annual Pollinator Music Festival.  Set amidst the verdant gardens of the Warwick Valley Winery & Distillery, this festival is more than just a gathering; it’s a celebration of life, music, food, and the tiny creatures that make our world bloom.   The focus of the event is to bring awareness and attention to the disappearance of pollinators, like butterflies, hummingbirds, and bees. 

Why You Can’t Miss This:

A Cause that Counts: All proceeds go to supporting the Hudson Valley Pollinator Project and the Warwick High School Music Scholarship Fund.

Legendary Lineup: Enjoy iconic acts and heartwarming local talents.

Feast for the Senses: Indulge in a spread of delectable treats and award-winning beverages.

Be Part of the Solution: Learn about the critical role pollinators play in our ecosystem and how we can join forces to protect them.   Leave with native plants to help restore pollinator populations.

Did You Know? Nearly 40 percent of our cherished pollinators are at risk. From the majestic monarch butterflies to the industrious bees, these essential beings need our help. Over the last few decades, the insects that fertilize our crops, flowers, and trees are decreasing to dangerously low levels and many of them may soon be listed as Endangered or Threatened. The Eastern Monarch, for instance, has declined by 85% over the last decade.  The largest problem facing the pollinators is starvation.  We are systematically removing their food sources by eliminating native plants, and replacing them with perfectly manicured lawns, buildings, roadways, etc.  

At the festival, you’ll have the chance to contribute to their survival by participating in a Native Plant Sale, designed to turn your garden into a haven for pollinators. 

The Hudson Valley Pollinator Project of Orange Environment was developed in collaboration between Warwick Valley Winery & Distillery’s Dr. Joseph Grizzanti and Dr. Anne Wibiralske the Science Director of Orange Environment.  The HVPP aims to educate and encourage people to plant native species in their yards to restore patches of biodiversity and natural habitats for our pollinators.

Don’t let this event flutter by! Pre-order for just $15 tickets at or $20 at the door at the Warwick Valley Winery and Distillery, 114 Little York Road, Warwick, NY.  

For more details on the Hudson Valley Pollinator Project go to  

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