Top Business Books for Entrepreneurs


Although entrepreneurs are renowned for their ability to carve out new paths, it is not imperative to begin from scratch. By delving into business literature, you can acquire invaluable insights from seasoned experts who have successfully navigated many of the hurdles you are likely to encounter. But where should you begin? Here are business books that come highly endorsed by both fellow entrepreneurs and the general public.

Вest Books for Entrepreneurs

1. The Lean Startup by Eric Ries

Eric Ries’s The Lean Startup: How Today’s Entrepreneurs Use Continuous Innovation to Create Radically Successful Businesses introduces a revolutionary approach to building startups that hinges on perpetual innovation. Ries contends that the traditional business plan is outdated. Instead, startups should prioritize rapid testing and validation of their concepts. This agile methodology is encapsulated in what he calls the Build-Measure-Learn feedback loop.

The Build-Measure-Learn Feedback Loop:

  1. Build: Develop a Minimum Viable Product (MVP)—a version of the product with just enough features to attract early users.
  2. Measure: Gather critical data on how these early adopters interact with the MVP.
  3. Learn: Analyze this data to make informed decisions on whether to pivot (revise the product) or persevere (continue refining the existing product).

What is the best book for entrepreneurs? Start your journey with The Lean Startup, but don’t settle for it. You can install a story reading app like FictionMe in a minute and have unlimited access to books. The novel app from FictionMe has both business books and novels, historical books, etc. In general, a library for every taste and color, and it fits in your pocket. This is a great deal from any point of view.

2. The Execution Factor by Kim Perell

In her transformative book, The Execution Factor: The One Skill that Drives Success, Kim Perell asserts that the cornerstone of entrepreneurial triumph lies not in merely having an innovative idea, but in the ability to bring that idea to life. Perell identifies five indispensable leadership qualities essential for effective execution:

  1. Vision: Crafting a clear and compelling vision that delineates your objectives and aspirations.
  2. Passion: Cultivating an unwavering enthusiasm and dedication to pursue your vision relentlessly.
  3. Action: Demonstrating the capacity to take decisive action and drive progress, even amidst uncertainty and setbacks.
  4. Resilience: Exhibiting the fortitude to recover from failures and persist through challenges.

3. How to Change the World by David Bornstein

In his widely acclaimed book hailed by the New York Times as “a Bible in its field,” David Bornstein, an expert journalist dedicated to social innovation, showcases a series of inspiring success stories from social enterprises across the globe. If you want to read a book right now, download the FictionMe app for iOS here and it will be available to you in a minute. By recounting the adventures of forward-thinking pioneers like Brazilian humanitarian Roberto Baggio alongside renowned activists such as Jody Williams who won a Nobel Peace Prize—and staunch environmental supporter Diana Propper—Bornstein brings essential milestones within innovative socially driven enterprises to life. For entrepreneurs curious about harnessing the potential of social ventures, this engaging read offers essential knowledge and inspiration.

4. The Day That Turns Your Life Around by Jim Rohn

Jim Rohn’s The Day That Turns Your Life Around captures the essence of a heartfelt, living room chat with a sage grandparent. When it comes to top reads for boosting your career or improving yourself, this one definitely makes the cut. Dive into Rohn’s world as he reveals not just his philosophies but actionable steps to excel in business. The author provides smart ways to manage your money while teaching you how to lead with inspiration. Aspiring entrepreneurs would benefit greatly from adding all of his writings to their reading list.

5. Shoe Dog by Phil Knight

“Shoe Dog,” penned by Nike’s visionary founder Phil Knight, has earned its place as a New York Times bestseller. Journey through the pages of this riveting memoir as you witness how Nike started off modestly and skyrocketed to worldwide prominence.

With raw emotion, Phil Knight narrates the chaotic yet thrilling start-up journey that shaped Nike’s foundation. In this spirited account, we see Knight and his team grapple with many ups-and-downs as they try to build their brand from zero, facing every challenge head-on with determination. “Shoe Dog is a refreshingly authentic and heartfelt memoir from Phil Knight. The book is about him and his team’s turbulent and messy journey with Nike from inception 60 years ago as a wiry fragile underdog to where it is today,” Tony Pan, CEO of Modern Hydrogen, remarked in an email.

6. Delivering Happiness by Tony Hsieh

Tony Hsieh’s “Delivering Happiness” delves into the extensive advantages of fostering a positive corporate culture. Whether you’re launching a new venture or managing an established enterprise, the principles outlined in this book are universally applicable. For startups, the importance of cultivating mutual trust and respect cannot be overstated; the cohesion and performance of a small team are crucial when aiming for peak efficiency and success.


What business book should I read first? Start with one of the first three books on this list. Each of them can become the very beginning of a new road or a successive round of development. Business thinking requires constant development and books are your constant partner and mentor.

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