Rolison votes for bills that support domestic violence victims

State Senator Rob Rolison is calling for an audit of the MTA.

ALBANY – State Senator Rob Rolison (R, Poughkeepsie) has voted in favor of nine pieces of legislation that he says would empower survivors and victims of domestic violence and abuse. The bills, all sponsored by Democrats, passed the Senate and were supported by the New York State Coalition Against Domestic Violence, a nonprofit with over 40 years of advocacy on behalf of victims and survivors that prioritizes domestic violence as a human rights issue.

Rolison, who will be named one of the Center for the Prevention of Child Abuse’s “Champions Against Child Abuse” on May 30th, is a ranking member on the Senate’s Children and Families committee and a retired police officer with 26 years of experience.

“Domestic violence prevention is a vital piece of public safety and a set of policies I will continue to support,” said Rolison. “When it comes to assisting victims and holding their perpetrators accountable, Democrats and Republicans should continue to work together to find common ground and develop effective solutions that keep people safe.”

According to an October 2023 state comptroller’s report, in 2022, the last year data is available, domestic violence incidents surged nearly nine percent statewide when compared to pre-pandemic figures. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found that one in four women have experienced sexual violence, physical violence, and/or stalking in their lifetime.

“I encourage my colleagues in the state legislature to vote on these victim-rights bills without delay and send them to Governor Hochul’s desk,” Rolison said. “Thousands of New Yorkers continue to be victimized by domestic violence and partner violence each month. In my 26 years of law-enforcement service to the community, we never asked the party affiliation of a victim before providing help. Let’s finish the job, empower survivors, and protect all New Yorkers.”

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