Putnam firefighters trained for a flashover disaster

Flashover training

CARMEL – Flashover, or the simultaneous ignition of directly exposed combustible material in an enclosed area, often results in catastrophe for emergency responders.

Members of the Carmel, Kent and Lake Carmel Fire Departments participated this week in a hands-on flashover training exercise when the volunteers experienced fire development from the incipient stage all the way to flashover. 

Carmel Fire Chief Scott Efferen said the purpose of the drill was for “firefighters to recognize the precursors to a potential flashover. A flashover is a thermally driven event during which every combustible surface exposed to thermal radiation in a compartment or enclosed space rapidly and simultaneously ignites.”

County Commissioner of Emergency Services Robert Lipton noted,   “Flashover normally occurs when the upper portion of the compartment reaches a temperature of 1,100 degrees for ordinary combustibles. When certain organic materials are heated, they undergo thermal decomposition and release flammable gases. Flashover occurs when the majority of exposed surfaces in a space are heated to their auto-ignition temperature and emit flammable gases.”

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