Letter to the Editor: Proposed Central Hudson take over is a bad idea

Mid-Hudson News accepts Letters to the Editor

To the Editor,

Ulster County politicians contend that taking over Central Hudson’s electric and gas systems will lead to lower rates.

Please don’t be so easily fooled.  This is about control, not rates. Control to increase the already significant subsidization of low-income customers rather than funding such efforts more transparently through the NYS Social Service programs.  Control to shut down an efficiently operated natural gas system before realistic alternatives are developed.  Control to tack on additional “hidden taxes” in the form of special surcharges.

Look at your electric bill and you will see several state-imposed surcharges, including subsidies for low-income customers and energy efficiency rebates.  However, it is not clearly stated that many of these charges are imposed by the state.  As such, the state’s politicians can hide from and shirk their responsibility for imposing them, with the added benefit of then being able to criticize the utility companies for high rates.  Approximately 10-20 percent of your utility bill is due to state and local income taxes and other mandated surcharges.  A takeover would require hundreds of millions of dollars in bonds to acquire Central Hudson’s assets, while millions of dollars in state and local income taxes would be lost annually to be recouped elsewhere.

NYS ranks among the highest in the nation for both income and sales tax rates.  A double whammy.  How, therefore, can any reasonable individual possibly expect that a takeover of Central Hudson will result in lower rates.  It’s not a reasonable outcome.  This is about control, not cost.

John Collins
Tivoli, NY

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