Gomerez resigns as Newburgh police commissioner

Commissioner Gomerez, Rola (center), and Chief of Staff Mike Neppl

NEWBURGH – Just two weeks after Newburgh City Police Chief Anthony Geraci left his job, Police Commissioner Jose Gomerez is gone.

In a two-page memo, Gomerez wrote about “the amazing strides we’ve made in Newburgh over the last three years.”

Mayor Torrance Harvey said he was planning to meet with the city manager and chief of staff for details.

Councilman Omari Shakur said he suspected Gomerez might resign some time soon but did not expect it to be so suddenly. 

“I knew things would be coming up, but I didn’t know it was going to be sudden like this because me and the commissioner had met on Sunday and we had set up a meeting to go do some things in the community,” he said.

City Manager Todd Venning, in a prepared statement since he will not talk directly to the media, said, “The City of Newburgh and Jose Gomérez have mutually agreed to provide the new police chief a fresh opportunity to move the police department into the future.”

Brandon Rola, a 16-year veteran of the force, was recently named police chief.”

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