Ulster County town facing same problem as others with volunteer EMS shortages

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TOWN OF HURLEY – The Town of Hurley is addressing the EMS personnel crisis affecting many towns across the state, highlighted by difficulty in recruiting and retaining volunteers.  

So, the town is exploring its options and will use leftover COVID-19 funds to hire some professional help in deciding what to do, said Councilwoman Debbie Doherty.

“We are going to use that to get some consultants, help us put together some plans – mapping of what we need to do, where we need to go,” she said.  “It’s not going to be an overnight. It’s probably going to take us through this year and next year to get everything place likely.”

Other municipalities in the area have contracted with Empress EMS to provide ambulance service while others are training their own paid personnel.

The City of Kingston is using its own trained EMTs in the paid fire department to cover emergency calls while the cities of Newburgh and Middletown have contracted with Empress to provide that emergency service.

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