SUNY Orange budget up just over one percent

SUNY Orange enrollment is up.

MIDDLETOWN – The SUNY Orange budget for the 24-25 academic year is just 1.2 percent above this year’s.

The year ending in August use $2.9 million from the college’s reserve fund to balance it, but Vice President for Administration and Finance Paul Martland said the new spending plan is a financially conservation one.

“Worst case is we might have to use a little but there are two items that are still not confirmed that we will confirm before the budget is submitted to the county. So, we are hoping to submit a balanced budget without any use of find balance,” he said.

Orange County is being asked to contribute $21.8 million or 33.7 percent. Tuition will cover 38.9 percent or $25.7 million, and the state will contribute 19.6 percent, or $12.8 million.

When the formula was first devised, it was supported to be a 33 percent split between all three categories, but the state pulled back on the funding several years ago.

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