Schumer seeks $3 million to connect Kingston Midtown and Downtown

Senator Schumer in Kingston

KINGSTON – US Senate Majority Leader Charles Schumer was in Kingston on Monday to announce he is seeking $3 million to connect the city’s Midtown families to the Downtown area.

Right now, he said the highly trafficked streets are danger zones for pedestrians.

“Residents are literally putting themselves in the face of danger just to do daily tasks. Foxhall and Flatbush Avenues have become a hotbed for crashes because of the rail crossings residents walk over,” he said. “The funding is critical to make sure the work we already have underway can be safely enjoyed by many more people. And this will enhance safety and unleash further pent-up economic potential.”

Mayor Steven Noble said the new funding will help “a safer environment on this well-traveled route, spur economic growth, and improve the quality of life for all who live in or near this area.”

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