Sullivan Fire Coordinator discusses volunteer recruitment

John Hauschild spoke at Fire Summit in White Plains

WHITE PLAINS- With a focus on improving volunteer firefighter recruitment and retention leaders from departments across the state gathered in White Plans to discuss strategies to fill a growing number of vacancies in the volunteer fire service.  John Hauschild, Sullivan County’s Fire Coordinator was one of the panelists to lead a discussion on recruitment and retention efforts.

“It’s absolutely crucial that we attract new volunteer firefighters in a way that’s interesting, exciting and truthful,” said Hauschild.  “We need to give people compelling reasons to join our ranks, and to stay long after.”

The panel included representatives from Suffolk and Onondaga Counties as well as from the State Office of Fire Prevention & Control.

Hauschild spoke about several strategies departments in Sullivan County has employed to help fill gaps in the volunteer fire service.  Recruiting efforts have aggressively targeted community events such as the county’s popular Bagel Festival and Grahamsville Fair where volunteers have discussed one-on-one with members of the public the benefits of joining the volunteer fire service.  Additionally, a local social media campaign targeted at recruitment paired with a grass roots lobbying effort to pass state legislation to benefit individuals who volunteer as firefighters has been launched to help fill the gaps.

“We’re taking a proactive approach to cultivate interest in the emergency services and ensure the continued availability of well-prepared responders,” said Hauschild.

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