7 Easy Ways to Complete Your Homework Quicker and More Efficiently



How often do you catch yourself gazing at your textbook well into the night, even after starting your homework hours before? The time wasted can be accounted for by Parkinson’s Law, which posits that work will take up all the time allocated for its completion. 

Put simply, if you allocate the entire night to learn the geometry formulas for your quiz the next day, you’ll discover that a task that should take just thirty minutes has taken up your whole evening.

We understand that your workload for homework has increased. Despite having a busy schedule, making small adjustments to how you study can make you more productive in less time.

Here are seven guidelines to leverage Parkinson’s Law in your favor:

1: Plan Everything Out 

When you begin your homework, you will likely dive straight into whatever comes to mind first or the first item you grab from your bag, subsequently completing the rest of your tasks. 

There is an improved method for quality homework writing, though. 

Determine the amount of time available for homework, and then detail all the tasks that need to be completed. Predict how much time is needed to finish each task to determine if extra time allocation is needed. Also, don’t forget to be practical. 

After your list is finished, you can proceed continuously without pausing often to determine the next steps. Crossing things off after completing each assignment will be very satisfying as well.

2: Find a Study Buddy for Yourself

Many people would concur that homework can at times be monotonous and dull. A great way to increase motivation and kickstart productivity is by working on homework with a study partner.

Having a companion can assist you in remaining focused and productive. You will hold each other responsible and make sure that all tasks are finished punctually. In such study sessions, you can collaborate to tackle tough questions and grasp complex concepts.

3: Avoid Distractions at Any Cost

Putting off tasks and getting sidetracked can harm your ability to get things done. Below are a few tactics for studying that can aid in overcoming procrastination and maximizing your time:

  • Discover the perfect setting for studying either at your school/library or establish a well-conducive workspace in your home.
  • Employ earplugs or noise-cancelling headphones to minimize outside disturbances.
  • Only keep necessary materials and stationery on your desk. You may also choose to have a water bottle and some snacks ready, which will prevent you from having to interrupt your study session by getting up.
  • Power down your phone. It is advisable to store all your devices in a separate room or at least out of reach.

Note: If a thought or idea comes to mind, jot it down instead of immediately acting on it. Perhaps it’s a task you must complete or a friend you committed to contacting. Recognize these thoughts by recording them, then address them once your homework is finished.

4: Have a Reward System at Place

A reward system encourages motivation by providing an incentive to anticipate, at least temporarily. It teaches your brain that putting in effort leads to a satisfying result. In addition, it creates a favorable connection with homework.

Identify rewards that are reasonable and enjoyable to you. 

Try making a list of things or tasks that are important to you and align with your objectives. The most effective approach is incorporating several tangible rewards in your study schedule.

One possibility is to treat yourself by playing your preferred music following each 45-minute work block. Alternatively, you can have a nutritious, quickly-made snack following every set of practice questions. You can also use substantial rewards sometimes. 

After completing a challenging task or a lengthy practice test, reward yourself with a special treat, such as enjoying a show with your friends.

5: Have a Proper and Dedicated Workspace

Having a proper study space in your house can assist you in finishing your assignments more quickly. It is crucial to customize your workspace according to what helps you concentrate effectively as there is no universal solution.

For instance, a person might find pleasure in having an array of stationery, Post-it notes, and vibrant highlighters on their desk. But these could simply act as diversions for some individuals.

Certain individuals may find that they work most effectively when surrounded by ambient noise, such as white noise or low-level chatter. However, there are individuals who can only focus when surrounded by silence.

Don’t hesitate to try different things to discover what is most effective for you. Here are a few basic suggestions to help you begin:

  • Make sure there is sufficient light and maintain a comfortable temperature in your space.
  • Alleviate stress by choosing the correct aromas, such as utilizing a room fragrance that smells good or dispersing an essential oil.
  • Customize your desk at work with things such as a bulletin board, planner, timepiece, or decorative pieces.
  • Ensure your desk remains tidy and organized.
  • Put your money into a high-quality desk chair.


6: Break Your Work into Smaller Chunks

Feeling daunted by your tasks, especially the lengthy, complex, and boring ones, is a common experience. Beginning a big or intricate project may feel overwhelming. It, in turn, can result in delaying tasks. A proven  tip for managing difficult tasks is to divide them into smaller parts.

Enumerate every individual task and approach the project gradually, step by step. 

You can also utilize tools such as Trello, Asana, or Notion to establish daily tasks and monitor your advancement. By doing this, the tasks become easier to accomplish, allowing you to turn in your assignments punctually.

7: Gamify the Entire Study Session

Have you ever found yourself playing a game for hours and suddenly realizing that time has passed by so quickly? But what makes video games enjoyable?

Games are created to engage players in advancing their character, discovering new realms, and obtaining prizes. However, what if I mentioned that you could implement certain video game strategies into your study sessions to stay motivated?

Studies indicate that gamification may help solve motivation issues in work and education. Implementing this idea will result in homework and studying becoming more enjoyable!

Downloading gamification apps is one of the easiest ways to achieve this.

Forest, Do It Now, and Habitica are among a few examples. These applications come with functionalities that enable users to access new game components, level up, or gather points.

This allows you to monitor your advancement and remain focused.

How Do You Do It at the Last Minute?

Procrastinating on homework can result in feeling anxious and ultimately impact your academic performance. If you ever find yourself in this scenario, the key is to ensure you prioritize:

  • Which tasks need to be completed first? 
  • Which assignments make up what portion of your total grade?

List all the tasks you still need to complete. 

Next, give priority to tasks that have deadlines approaching. It is important to always put forth your best effort in all assignments, projects, quizzes, etc. However, if time is limited, it may not be achievable to give your maximum effort. Just complete the necessary tasks and continue. 

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