Eachus passes bill warning of dangers of lithium-ion batteries

Firefighters disposing of a dangerous Lithium-ion battery. Photo provided by Westchester County Dept. of Emergency Response.
Lithium-ion batteries.

ALBANY- The State Assembly passed a package of legislation to strengthen consumer protections against rechargeable lithium-ion batteries found in many popular electric vehicles and devices.  The legislative proposals come as fire departments across the state have reported a rise in the number of fires caused by the batteries.

Assemblyman Chris Eachus (D, New Windsor) sponsored one of the measures which specifically requires that chargers be affixed with a tag that provides consumers with additional safety information and asks them to unplug the device when not in use.

“With the rise of deadly fires being caused by misuse of lithium-ion battery chargers, primarily by those being continuously charged after being full, it is beyond important that consumers are aware of the necessary safety precautions when using these new technologies,” said Eachus.  “By requiring manufacturers to add a bright red warning label on every charging cord, we’re providing clarity to consumers and educating them on proper handling in emergencies in hopes of preventing the tragic loss of life caused by preventable fires.”

A total of 18 deaths in 2o23 were attributed to fires started by lithium-ion batteries.

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