Rolison presented with “Key to the City” (VIDEO)

Senator Rob Rolison (left) getting the "Key to the City" from Mayor Nelson.

POUGHKEEPSIE – Former City of Poughkeepsie Mayor Rob Rolison, now serving as state senator, was at city hall on Friday to meet Mayor Marc Nelson regarding park upgrades begun during Rolison’s tenure.  There was no meeting.  Instead, Rolison encountered a large-scale surprise when he entered the council chambers to find dozens of family, friends, and city employees there to help present Rolison with the “Key to the City.”

Mayor Nelson worked for Rolison at city hall in several overlapping positions and took over as mayor when Rolison was elected to the Senate.  Nelson credits Rolison’s work as the genesis of Poughkeepsie’s revitalization.  The mayor spoke of Rolison’s accomplishments including improving the city’s finances, enhancing youth programs, and substantial work on city parks.  Rolison’s work ethic during the COVID pandemic also received high marks from Nelson and others.

Rolison said he had no idea he was being honored. “I am truly humbled and grateful to Mayor Marc Nelson for this recognition. I was very lucky and blessed to serve as mayor of this great city for seven years and all of us have helped make this city a better place. We did this together because we love the City of Poughkeepsie.”  In expressing his gratitude, Rolison told Mid-Hudson News “I have always said that my public service plan was to leave the city in a better position than it was when I took office.  This acknowledgment tells me that people recognize that I accomplished my goals for Poughkeepsie.”

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