Public to name Kingston greenspace


KINGSTON – Sixty-two suggested names have been proposed by Kingston residents for the greenspace at Broadway and Prince Street and Mayor Steven Noble wants them to vote for the finalist.

The city’s recreation commission has narrowed down the 62 suggestions to 10 and the public is now invited to vote for the final name.

The suggested names include Broadway Community Park, Central Square, Crossroads Park, Harmony Square, Midtown Square, Post Office Corners, Post Office Park, Postal Park, Postal Square, and Prince Park.

“When we tore down a long-vacant and abandoned fast-food restaurant, I envisioned this area returning to public use,” the mayor said. “Once the landscaping is complete, our home is this greenspace will be a pleasant place to gather.

The greenspace on either side of Prince Street at Broadway was created when the city bought an abandoned fast-food restaurant and realigned the intersection.

A few of the name choices reflect that the space is the site of the former Kingston Post Office, which was built in 2908. By 2969, postal operations had grown larger than the building’s capacity, and the building was sold and then torn down.


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