Orange County honors vets with ‘Freedom Fest’

Orange County Clerk Kelly Eskew and County Executive Steven Neuhaus, right, honor vets at Freedom Fest

MONTGOMERY – There was once a celebration long ago that honored veterans in Orange County at Thomas Bull Park, and the event ended with fireworks.

That celebration ended, but Orange County Executive Steve Neuhaus, currently a captain in the Naval Reserve, brought it back nearly a decade ago and renamed it the Orange County Freedom Fest.

“When (Orange) County Executive Neuhaus came into office in 2014, he said why don’t we bring this back and have a salute to our veterans,” said Amanda Dana, director of Orange County’s Tourism office Friday.

“And since that time, we have had Freedom Fest, which is a great event to show our respect, love and devotion to our veterans.”

The fest began Friday afternoon with food and music before fireworks were scheduled after dark. Originally scheduled in July, Freedom Fest was rescheduled for Friday due to rain and flooding at that time. Thunderstorms were forecast throughout the day Friday, but the fest started despite the chance of foul weather.

“They’re lurking, but we are hoping they pass us right over,” said Dana. And, the late afternoon just saw an occasional drizzle.

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