Hochul approves prevailing wage improvements for construction workers

Governor Kathy Hochul signed legislation to expand prevailing wage for construction workers

ALBANY- Governor Kathy Hochul signed the Roadway Quality Assurance Act on Wednesday, strengthening prevailing wage requirements for construction workers in the state.  The new law mandates that utility company contractors and subcontractors pay the prevailing wage to employees on projects where a permit to use, excavate, or open a street is required to be issued.

“Our construction workers keep New Yorkers moving but are often underpaid for their hard and impactful work,” Governor Hochul said.  “I am proud to sign this legislation that will provide construction workers with fair wages and allow them to support themselves, their families, and our local economy.”

Todd Diorio, Eastern New York Laborers District Council Business Manager has been pushing the legislation for more than 15 years and celebrated it’s signing into law.

“I thank Governor Hochul for signing this legislation, it is a tremendous win for the middle class,” said Diorio.  “Extending prevailing wage standards to these projects will result in fair wages, greater safety standards, and a better quality of work that will benefit all New Yorkers.”

The bill was sponsored in the State Senate by Senator Michael Gianaris (D, Queens).  “The workers who maintain and improve our infrastructure are vital to our communities and deserve a prevailing wage.  It’s good for these skilled workers, and good for local economies across New York. ”

Previously, prevailing wage standard for these projects applied only in New York City.  The new law expands these provisions statewide and applies to all contracts for construction executed and permits issued on or after August 29, 2023.

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