Public hearing held on proposed Village of Ateres (VIDEO)

Members of the community attended the Village of Ateres public hearing held on Thursday, August 3, 2023.

MONTICELLO- A public hearing was held on Thursday evening in the Town of Thompson to review petitions that would establish a new village that would span the towns of Thompson and Fallsburg.  Supervisors from both towns were on hand and chaired the public hearing.

The proposed village, Ateres, would be 929 acres in size and would have a population of just over 830.  Local residents came to voice their opinions about the proposal, but Town of Thompson Supervisor Bill Rieber began the meeting by reminding attendees the purpose of the public hearing.

“This is a hearing on the petition, not on if you wish this should happen, or shouldn’t happen,” said Rieber.

Leo Glass, a resident of Monticello spoke at the hearing.  Glass raised concerns about the map that was submitted by the petitioners.  He called the map “incomprehensible” and said that it should include detail that is routinely found on survey maps.

Ann Finneran, a resident of the Town of Fallsburg, raised concerns over the map as well.  She called the map “illegible” and requested that the petitioners redraw the map and include important landmarks such as roadways.

Naftula Neiman, one of the petitioners, explained why he and many of his neighbors were seeking to incorporate a new village.

“We have an aging public water supply that needs to be updated and expanded, and we need sidewalks and street lights for public safety,” said Neiman.  “These projects have not moved forward under the town, but if a village were established, would take top priority.”

Rieber, in an interview prior to the public hearing, said the problems Neiman and the other petitioners cited are not able to be addressed by the town.  Rieber says the town has issued the necessary approvals and the petitioners are waiting only on the state to take action.

Yehuda Miller from South Fallsburg spoke in support of the village.  “I know some of you might be surprised to learn that it is mostly Orthodox Jews making up this community, but here is the thing, diversity is our strength and equal rights are our foundation.  Lets support Ateres and show that we truly cherish the values of our great country.”

Rieber and Town of Fallsburg Supervisor Katherine Rappaport now must decide if the petition meets the legal requirements.  They opted not to close the public hearing on Thursday evening and will convene a second session on August 22nd.  Once they close public comment, they have 1o days to determine if the petition is valid.  If the petition is deemed valid, a referendum vote will be scheduled to determine the fate of Ateres.

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