High school sweethearts to attend medical college together

Touro Middletown campus
Raffaelle Lostumbo
Kailee Loiodice

MIDDLETOWN – Raffaelle Lostumbo and Kailee Loiodice have been friends since grade school in the Pine Bush Central School District. By the time they were in high school, they began dating.

Their romance and thirst for education did not stop when they graduated. They went on to attend SUNY Binghamton together and on Monday, July 31, they will continue their journey, once again together, attending Touro College of Osteopathic Medicine in Middletown.

Kailee chose medicine for her career path to help people.

“I think the field of medicine is so interesting. There are so many small changes someone can make in their lifestyle, like if they become sick or many small things that can change, so I really want to be a part of making people feel better. And, even if it is before they get sick, more like a preventative medicine type thing, I just thought that would be really cool and interesting to help someone like that,” she said.

While in high school, both participated in the college’s MedAchieve program where they were mentored one-on-one for two years by Touro medical students.

On Monday, Raffaelle and Kailee will participate in Touro College’s White Coat Ceremony, the annual rite of passage for first-year medical students.

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