Flowers wins three-way primary for mayor

Mayor Yvonne Flowers

POUGHKEEPSIE – Councilwoman Yvonne Flowers defeated incumbent Democratic Mayor Marc Nelson and political newcomer Wesley Lee in a three-way Democratic primary for Poughkeepsie city mayor.  Flowers collected 40 percent of the vote in the unofficial Dutchess County Board of Elections tally on Tuesday night.  

If confirmed, Flowers will face GOP candidate Anthony LaRocca in the November race for mayor.

“I’m excited,” Flowers told Mid-Hudson News on Tuesday night.  “Our team worked very hard and it’s just nice to see that all our hard work, running a clean and honest campaign paid off.”  The veteran councilwoman did agree that the race is not over.  “This is only part of the battle.”

Several council seats were involved in Democratic primaries.  The Councilmember-at-Large seat featured Da’Ron Wilson squaring off against Vincent Pedi.  Wilson is ahead by 32 votes after receiving 849 votes in his favor.  Flowers said she was happy for Wilson and looks forward to working with him.

In the First Ward, incumbent Debra Long appears to have been unseated in another three-way primary featuring former Council Chairman Chris Petsas attempting to return to his seat as well as Ernest Henry vying for the seat.  Henry was the top vote-getter with 63 ballots.  Long collected 57 votes and Petsas finished with 45 votes.

In the Second Ward, Council Majority Leader Evan Menist appears to have fended of fellow Democrats John Purcarea and Kannell Harvard to retain his seat on the council.

In the Third Ward, Terricienna Brown walloped Mary Williams, with Brown collecting 67 percent of the ballots cast.

In the Fifth Ward, well-known Poughkeepsie resident Ondie James captured 103 votes compared to the 64 Jamar Cummings received.

In the Sixth Ward, Christopher Grant, a recent appointment to the council, survived a challenge from Lance Hardy.  Grant received 119 votes and Hardy was the recipient of 71 votes.

In the Eight Ward, incumbent Megan Deichler cruised to victory with 73 percent of the vote over challenger Sakima McClinton.

All ballot counts are unofficial until the Dutchess County Board of Elections validates the numbers.

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