Proposal for veterans’ tiny houses in Port Jervis

Veteran's tiny house.

PORT JERVIS – A proposal to build eight to 10 tiny houses for veterans in the City of Port Jervis is in the planning stages.

Property owner Bill Whetsel of the Rumshock Foundation also plans to develop two additional buildings with four apartments and a commercial kitchen.

The residences will be supportive housing for vets.

“It will have job training and everything for veterans, basically to help with veteran suicide,” he said. “Veterans work well together and hopefully veterans living with veterans would be a solution to the suicide problem.”

The Rumshock Foundation has already received a $400,000 grant from the Dormitory Authority of the State of New York. Whetsel has also applied to the federal government for $1.4 million in grants.

There are currently a handful of cottages that are in rundown condition that would be demolished.

Kingston is also working on a proposal to develop tiny homes in that city.

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