Family fishing day slowed by weather

Young angler smiling after catching a sunfish.

TOWN OF POUGHKEEPSIE – A handful of families gathered at Overlook Park on Sunday for a “Family Fishing Day” sponsored by the Federation of Dutchess County Fish and Game Clubs.  The Federation was supported by the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation and the Mid-Hudson chapter of Trout Unlimited to give adults and children the chance to fish without the need to have a fishing license.

The free event, one of dozens held throughout the state, gives people an opportunity to try fishing without making a substantial event in equipment.  The DEC had a limited number of fishing poles and bait to use at no charge, and the representatives were available to offer basic instructions as well as remove fish from hooks after they were caught.  Food and beverages were provided at no charge by the Federation.

Heavy rains had passed through the region overnight and a steady rain was still falling on Sunday morning, leading to fewer people coming out, according to Federation President Anthony Pittore.

“We’ve got a few people out here fishing,” said Bill Conners of the Federation, adding “The kids seem to be catching a lot of sunfish.”  The Federation had stocked the lake with trout earlier in the week.

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