The Fresh Air Fund is seeking volunteer host families in Hudson Highlands


HUDSON HIGHLANDS- The Fresh Air Fund is looking for new volunteer families to host a New York City child, ages 8 to 14, for one week this summer with The Fresh Air Fund’s Friendly Towns program because a summer can last a lifetime.  Enjoy the simple pleasures of summer when you host a Fresh Air child.

A Fresh Air visit to a volunteer host family is full of fun experiences like playing in the backyard, riding bicycles, swimming, hiking, catching fireflies, gazing at the stars and making new friends.  Volunteer host families live in small towns, suburban and rural communities along the East Coast.  Every host family goes through a rigorous screening process including a home visit, background check, interview and reference check.

“Volunteer host families can create lifelong connections, gain new perspectives and make memories that will last a lifetime.  By volunteering as a host family in Hudson Highlands, New York, you will expand opportunities for New York City children living in underserved communities to help them learn, grow, and thrive in the summer and beyond,” says Lisa Gitelson, the fund’s Chief Executive Officer.

For more information about The Fresh Air Fund’s host volunteer program, please visit

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