20 Analytical Essay Topics


Is choosing a topic for an essay an easy task? Not really. Depending on the existing essay type, the criteria for a topic may change. For example, an analytical essay should include a clear, focused thesis statement that identifies the central argument or point. In addition, the topic should describe something people may have different opinions about.


Enough information about the topic is essential so you have space to search and analyze. However, avoid topics that are too complicated, so the readers will be interested to read your text from the beginning to the end.


Such advice may sound too easy, but sometimes it is not enough. People want to see analytical essay topic examples to understand what needs to be done. Therefore, we would like to present 20 analytical essay topics and explain why each is worth choosing.


Why Do People Have Fears and Phobias?

Acrophobia, arachnophobia, aerophobia, and other natural fears are found among people repeatedly. Some individuals could overcome their fears. However, new phobias appear over time, which may be a severe societal problem. So, there’s a huge space for analysis. You can overview different theories and provide facts supporting your opinion.


The Advantages of Being Vegan

The topic of veganism became extremely popular over the last few years as people quit meat, milk, eggs, and other animal products, switching to plant origin. However, some individuals still need to decide whether to become vegans. They are still determining whether it will be better for their body. So, you can describe this topic, analyzing information from existing research and sharing personal experience.


How Do Antidepressants Help Patients Deal With Depression?

Sometimes people use antidepressants as the only option to deal with depression. They try to relieve the symptoms and bring back emotional comfort. However, how exactly does this effect work? What medications are the most effective with fewer side effects? Why are antidepressants more effective than other methods? These questions need answers, and you can provide them in your essay. Ensure you check the information before writing. It’s not a casual write my essay topic, and it should be taken seriously.


Do Violent Games Make People Aggressive?

Some games with an R rating may cause serious damage to teenagers if they watch brutal scenes of characters murdering each other. However, in some cases, violence is not revealed due to the individual’s character. You have a chance to analyze this topic in your essay.


Why Do People Go Criminal?

This actually happens due to many reasons, but sometimes the motivation is way more profound than we think. In your analytical essay, you can describe the psychology of a person who commits a crime, explaining why this happened and whether it could have been prevented.


Why Is It Challenging to Quit Smoking?

People start smoking very quickly, but it’s also very complicated for them to quit. People have never explained why, and now you can provide a detailed answer, providing arguments and facts. If your friends or relatives have such experience, it will be precious for writing. Take time and do a short interview to get more information.


Will E-books Replace Books?

It’s already some kind of a contest between book fans. One completely disagrees with switching to e-books; others want this to happen. Will it happen or not? Show your opinion on this point.


Possible Ways to Lower the Crime Rates

Weapons ban, strong security system, improved cybersecurity. There are several options to minimize criminal cases on all levels. Describe something that will be effective in your opinion.


Why Do Young People Become Obese?

The problem remains for several years. Depression, stress, overthinking, and other reasons why people look for ways to compensate for negative emotions with fast food, sweets, and other high-calorie food. More than enough space for analysis. 


Go For Advanced Topics

If you feel that working with easy topics for analytical essays is not yours, you can move on and discuss more complicated questions. The difference is that you have to make your analysis more complex, selecting a more important topic and spending more time investigating it. Below are some examples of advanced analytical essay topics that are much more complicated than they really are.


  • How do people make decisions?
  • Is the concept of alternate history actual today?
  • Why do dictators start wars, and why do they lose?
  • What is the purpose of having nuclear weapons in the 21st century?
  • Do single-parent families affect child psychology?


If you want to analyze specific writing, define the problem and work on revealing it. For example, if a person read The Man In The High Castle by Phillip K. Dick and watched a TV series to prepare an analytical essay. There are plenty of topics to cover.


  • The concept of alternate history in The Main In The High Castle
  • John Smith – anti-hero or a hidden villain?
  • Historical references and parallels in The Man In The High Castle
  • Is The Main In The High Castle a perfect alternate-reality novel?


This is only a small number of topics that could be used for your analytical essay, analyzing different aspects, allusions, etc. Another topic could be used to analyze the differences between TV series and a novel. There’s so much to do, so you are free to decide where to start.


Choose the Most Interesting Topic for Your Writing Task

The complexity, number of analyzed cases, references, and other details do not matter. More importantly, an analytical essay should be interesting for the writer. If so, creating catchy and engaging writing will be easier, making others read it in a flash. Of course, it would be best to be precise and correct, but you also may grab readers’ attention so they will keep reading the text until the end.


The monotonous essay has no real value, so the teacher puts you on a lower mark. Instead, take time to brainstorm, check all your ideas, and decide what you want to write about.

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