Women of Distinction honored by Assemblyman Eachus

Honoree Lisa VanNostrand being given bouquet by New Windsor American Legion members

CORNWALL – Five ladies with a history of impressive achievements and community service in the area were honored by State Assemblyman Chris Eachus (D, New Windsor) at the Davis Chapel of the New York Military Academy in Cornwall on Saturday.

He chose the site for its honored history and because he had fond memories of his years of teaching there.  The honorees who attended left the ceremony with smiles, bouquets of spring flowers and memories of being recognized for their years of contributions.

“The dedication of these women has made our communities a better place and helped shape our lives for the better,” Eachus said.

Carlys Lemler of Fort Montgomery was recognized for her lifetime of service in the Army, serving in military intelligence and air defense artillery.  She also graduated from Rutgers Law School and attained her Juris Doctorate. She later received three Presidential Volunteer Service Awards.

Lisa Marie Hintz of Highland Mills dedicated her life to environmentalism and veteran activism.  Starting with a degree in fisheries and wildlife, she later added a degree in child psychology.  In addition to her other volunteer work, she is co-organizer of the Vietnam War Veterans Memorial Day Welcome Home ceremony.

Lisa Van Nostrand is known for her three decades of management at Sharp Electronics and Personal Finance Counseling.  In addition to considering her life as a mother of two successful daughters as her greatest achievement, she has also been active in volunteer work at Castle Point, Middle Hope Fire Department, and New Windsor American Legion #1796.

Donna Anderson of Stony Point is a champion for those in need, with medical bills, holiday meals and especially the North Rockland Food Pantry and Kids Closet, and the Rockland Warming Center.

Christina Silverstein, also of Stony Point, has volunteered with many boards and founded the United Women of Rockland, which helps women with devastating health diagnoses.  They are given rides to and from doctor appointments as well as help with meals and bills as needed.

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