Licari launches bid to be Wappinger Town Supervisor

Wappinger Town Hall. MHNN file photo.
Robin Licari

WAPPINGER- Town of Wappinger Democratic Chairperson, Robin Licari, has announced her candidacy for Town Supervisor.  Licari is a lifelong resident of Dutchess County and has lived in Wappinger for the past 25 years, and is a licensed clinical social worker and a credentialed substance abuse counselor with 30 years of experience in mental health and administration.

In her campaign announcement, Licari lists several priorities including clean water and protecting the town’s wells.  Protecting wetlands, wetland buffers, and watersheds that filter and fill out wells and supporting zoning laws that seek to prevent the contamination of the wells are among Licari’s priorities.

Licari also emphasized the importance of keeping the town affordable and said that there should not be an increase in the town tax rate.  She also wants to develop a practical and realistic plan for the 99-acre Carnwath Farms Town Park.  “We must develop a realistic plan for this scenic property overlooking the Hudson River,” said Licardi.

Licari’s Republican challenger is still unknown, as incumbent supervisor Dick Thurston is mounting a Republican primary to prevent Joey Cavaccini, county legislator, from taking his position.  Cavaccini was endorsed by the Wappinger Republican committee earlier this year.  The winner of the primary election will go on to face Licari in November.

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