Ryan takes 19th CD special election; three-way race for new 18th CD Dem primary

Pat Ryan captures special 19th CD rate and Democratic line in new 18th CD race in November

KINGSTON – Ulster County Executive Patrick Ryan, running on the Democratic and Working Families lines, has won the special election for the 19th Congressional District.

He defeated Dutchess County Executive Marcus Molinaro, running on the Republican and Conservative lines.

The 19th District seat became vacant recently when Governor Kathy Hochul named then Congressman Antonio Delgado as lieutenant governor.

Ryan will serve in that House of Representatives seat through the end of this year, when he will be the Democratic candidate for the new 18th District running against Colin Schmitt who will appear on the Republican and Conservative lines.

In the new 19th CD, Josh Riley won the primary election. He will face Republican Dutchess County Executive Molinaro in November.

Congressman Sean Patrick Maloney, chairman of the National Democratic Campaign Congressional Committee, won the party primary for the new 17th CD. He will face off in November against Michael Lawlor, who won the Republican primary.

In a Republican primary for the new 51st State Senate seat, Peter Oberacker, an incumbent in an old district, defeated Terry Bernardo for the Republican party line in November.

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