Ulster County gas tax relief in effect


KINGSTON – Ulster County Executive Pat Ryan reminds residents and businesses that the bill to temporarily cut the county gas tax goes into effect today (Wednesday). 

In April, Ryan partnered with a bipartisan coalition of the county legislature on a plan which capped the amount of sales tax the county will collect on each gallon of retail motor fuel to only $.08. 

The relief measure goes into effect on Wednesday, June 1, at a time of record fuel prices and record inflation, in order to aggressively work towards a solution that helps to ease the burden on county residents. 

“We know the pressure everyone is feeling right now, and that’s why we’re proud to cut the county gas tax by 50 percent,” said Ryan. 

County Legislator Kevin Roberts said Ulster is one of the first counties in the area to enact such a law and provide relief for residents paying higher prices at the gas pump.

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