Newburgh mayor wants ‘redesign’ of city taxicab system


NEWBURGH – The City of Newburgh has a taxicab registry system, but only a handful of those vehicles are in compliance.

Legitimate cabbies are asking the city to get tough with violators. Mayor Torrance Harvey would like Newburgh to consider the medallion system like the City of Middletown where only a certain number are sold to maintain safety and quality control of the vehicles.

“This entire system has to be redesigned because the medallions have to be on the vehicles. We are going to do a serious look at this process and the protocols for these taxicabs,” he told Mid-Hudson News.

The cabbies operating legally in Newburgh have asked the city for improved security, including better nighttime street lighting. Mayor Harvey also suggested the drivers install dash-cams and plexiglass partitions between the passengers and themselves at their own expense.

At the same time, the cabbies are asking the city for permission to raise their in-city rates from $5 to $7 or $10 per ride to cover their growing expenses.

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