Skoufis: “Get back to basics” in new legislative session

New York State Capitol building

ALBANY – As the state legislature gets ready to resume its work, one Hudson Valley lawmaker says they need to get back to the “kitchen table issues.”

Democrat Senator James Skoufis (D, Cornwall) said it is time to “get back to basics” for the good of all state residents.

“We have to focus on jobs, cutting taxes for the middle class, rebuilding our infrastructure, making sure that our schools and our hospitals are the best in the country. Those are the issues that face everyday New Yorkers that we really have to double-down in paying attention to,” he said. “We have done a lot of work in those areas, but we really have to exclusively focus on them.”


One of Skoufis’ pet peeves is the way the state spends taxpayer dollars for economic development. Under the Cuomo administration, he said state money was “a slush fund.” With a new governor, he would like to see taxpayer dollars go into communities with projects that “make sense.”

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